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Winner, Best Writer in a Feature Film, Chicago Horror Film Festival, 2021: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best Director in a Feature Film, Chicago Horror Film Festival, 2021: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best Actress in a Feature Film, Chicago Horror Film Festival, 2021: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

Nominee, Best Music in a Feature Film, Chicago Horror Film Festival, 2021: Asuka Ito


Golden Stake Award, Shockfest Film Festival, 2021


Winner, Best Produced Screenplay Feature, Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards, Spring 2021:

Producers Douglas Heil & Diane Vlajcic Heil; Writer Steven Heil 


Winner, Best Indie Feature, Oniros Film Awards, Jan. 2021, New York, NY

Winner, Best 1st Time Director, Oniros Film Awards, Jan. 2021, New York, NY: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best 1st Time Producer, Oniros Film Awards, Jan. 2021, NY, NY: Douglas Heil & Diane Vlajcic Heil

"Our mission is to discover high quality and ambitious films, to promote filmmakers' work and to be the next step in their careers." –OFA


Winner, Best Producer, Montreal Independent Film Festival, Jan. 2021: Douglas Heil & Diane Vlajcic Heil

"The festival is truly a great international platform for all filmmakers, recognizing talents and supporting the career of artists working in the film industry. [It] truly cares about the language of cinema, independent filmmaking, [and] filmmakers . . ." –MIFF


Winner, Best Cultural Impact Movie, SoCal Film Awards, 2020, Huntington Beach, CA

Nominee, Best Feature, SoCal Film Awards, 2020, Huntington Beach, CA


Indie Auteur Ambassador Award, Bare Bones Int. Film & Music Festival, 2020, Muskogee, OK: Steven Heil

2nd Place, Best Drama, Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival, 2020, Muskogee, OK

Nominee, Best Foreign Language Feature Film, Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival, 2020, Muskogee, OK


Audience Choice for Best Wisconsin's Own, 2nd Runner Up, Green Bay Film Festival, 2020


Nominee, Best Feature Film, Hollywood Verge Film Awards, Spring 2020

"Hollywood Verge Film Awards seeks to award outstanding independent film.  We love genuine storytelling that doesn't play by the rules.

The festival really seeks films that say something.  Production value doesn't matter as much as story and originality of vision."


Best of Show in Drama, Depth of Field International Film Festival, Winter 2020, Nassau, DE

Award of Outstanding Excellence in Content/Message Delivery, Depth of Field Int. Film Festival, 2020, Nassau, DE

Award of Outstanding Excellence in Direction, Depth of Field Int. Film Festival, 2020, Nassau, DE: Steven Heil

Award of Excellence in Set Design, Depth of Field Int. Film Festival, 2020, Nassau, DE: Eve Funnell

Award of Excellence in Makeup, Depth of Field Int. Film Festival, 2020, Nassau, DE: Rob Schwalen

Award of Excellence in Sound Editing, Depth of Field Int. Film Festival, 2020, Nassau, DE: Beth Hubbard

Award of Excellence in SFX: Visual, Depth of Field Int. Film Festival, 2020, Nassau, DE: Ryan Zum Mallen


Recipient, 2020 Awaji Youth Federation Fellowship in Japan:  Steven Heil

"Awaji Youth Federation is an international community of young innovators based on Awaji Island, Japan.  The main focus is regional

revitalization of the island, cultural creation, and entrepreneurship.  Every year AYF invites promising professionals and aspiring leaders across the world to establish a creative, innovative community within the framework of international fellowship."  [The success of Another Yesterday was a contributing factor to Steven's selection.]


Winner, Best Supporting Actor, US Hollywood Int'l Golden Film Award, 2019: Billy Chengary

Nominee, Golden Film Award Outstanding Picture, US Hollywood Int'l Golden Film Award, 2019

Nominee, Golden Film Award Excellence in Music, US Hollywood Int'l Golden Film Award, 2019: Asuka Ito

Nominee, Best Producer, US Hollywood Int'l Golden Film Award, 2019: Douglas & Diane Heil

Nominee, Best Supporting Actress, US Hollywood Int'l Golden Film Award, 2019: Akiko Shima

Nominee, Best Picture Golden Film Award, US Hollywood Int'l Golden Film Award, 2019

"US Hollywood Int'l Golden Film Award Ceremony strives for a world in which enlightenment, knowledge and tolerance prevail.  We believe film as an art form has the power to bridge cultures and illuminate the universality of the human experience. US Hollywood Int'l Golden Film Award enthusiastically pursues its artistic and public service goals: to enrich, to educate, to entertain, to initiate, to enhance cultural dialogue and celebrate cinematic excellence in any language."  —HIGFA


Award of Outstanding Excellence, Feature Film, CineMagic Film Fest, Greenville, SC, 2019

Winner, Best Directing, Drama, CineMagic Film Fest, Greenville, SC, 2019: Steven Heil

Award of Exceptional Merit, Music/Songwriting, CineMagic Film Fest, Greenville, SC, 2019: Asuka Ito & Douglas Heil

"Our Festival has a special focus on superior quality, creativity, originality, and innovative entertainment content."  —CineMagic Film Fest


Silver Award, Best Feature, CINEMAFEST, Ellington, NY, 2019


Winner, Best Feature, The Network Film Festival, New York, NY, 2019

Nominee, Best Screenplay, The Network Film Festival, New York, NY, 2019: Steven Heil


Nominee, Best Ensemble of the Year, Actors Awards Los Angeles, 2019

Nominee, Best Actor of the Year, Actors Awards Los Angeles, 2019: Kento Matsunami

Nominee, Best Actress of the Year, Actors Awards Los Angeles, 2019: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

Nominee, Best Supporting Actor of the Year, Actors Awards Los Angeles, 2019: Naoyuki Ikeda

Nominee, Best Supporting Actress of the Year, Actors Awards Los Angeles, 2019: Natalie Duch


Nominee, Best Indie Feature, Los Angeles Film Awards, 2019 Annual Nominations

Nominee, Best First Time Director, Los Angeles Film Awards, 2019 Annual Nominations: Steven Heil


Nominee, Best Narrative Feature, New York Film Awards 2019 Annual Nominations

Nominee, Best First Time Director, New York Film Awards 2019 Annual Nominations: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best Duo, New York Film Awards 2019 Annual Nominations: Kento Matsunami & Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson


Nominee, Best Music Score, Southeastern International Film Festival, Nashville, 2019: Asuka Ito


Winner, Best Cross-Culture Award, Japan Film Festival Los Angeles, 2019

"Cinema is the bridge that connects us all.  Through this festival, we can . . . encourage communication and the exchange of

ideas between Japan and the U.S." —JFFLA


Nominee, Best Song, Paris Art & Movie Awards, Paris, France, 2019: Douglas Heil


Winner, Queen Supreme Award for Best Young Actress—Feature, Queen Palm International Film Festival

Annual Screening & Award Show, Palm Springs, CA, 2019: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

Nominee, Queen Supreme Award for Best Feature—First Time Filmmaker, QPIFF Screening & Award Show: S. Heil

Nominee, Queen Supreme Award for Best Original Song, QPIFF Screening & Award Show: Douglas Heil

"Queen Palm's International Film Festival's mission is to discover diverse new voices and to promote artists' work through numerous platforms."


Nominee, Best Drama Feature, Genre Celebration Festival, Tokyo, Spring 2019

Nominee, Best Editing, Genre Celebration Festival, Tokyo, Spring 2019: Steven Heil

"We're looking for the best genre films irregardless of budget.  Our jury consists of industry veterans and professionals around the world."


Nominee, Best Alternative Feature, New Hope Film Festival, New Hope, PA


Winner, Best Central States Film (all genres from 14 states), Central States Indie FanFilmFest, Rock Island, IL, 2019

Winner, Best Original Soundtrack Central States Film, Central States Indie FanFilmFest, 2019: Asuka Ito

Nominee, Best English Language Feature or Featurette, Central States Indie FanFilmFest, 2019

Nominee, Best Director Central States Film, Central States Indie FanFilmFest, 2019: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best Actress Central States Film, Central States Indie FanFilmFest, 2019: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

Nominee, Best Actor Central States Film, Central States Indie FanFilmFest, 2019: Kento Matsunami

Nominee, Best Song, Central States Indie FanFilmFest, 2019: Douglas Heil

"CSIFFF celebrates the diversity of Americans and all human beings, so in addition to our general call for

submissions, we are issuing a call for films with innovative, progressive and balanced stories . . ."  – CSIFF


Winner, Best Film of the Festival, Manhattan Rep's STORIES Film Festival, New York, NY, 2019

"Submissions are reviewed and selected under the following criteria:  1) Does it tell a great story?  2) Do the production values rock?  3) Does this Film make one feel something?"  The Festival embraces "compelling, exciting, inspirational" stories which prompt one to "look at the world in a new light."


Winner, Best Writing, Top Indie Film Awards, Tokyo, Spring 2019: Steven Heil

Winner, Best Actress, Top Indie Film Awards, Tokyo, Spring 2019: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

Nominee, Best Feature, Top Indie Film Awards, Tokyo, Spring 2019

Nominee, Best Director, Top Indie Film Awards, Tokyo, Spring 2019: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best Original Idea, Top Indie Film Awards, Tokyo, Spring 2019: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best Actor, Top Indie Film Awards, Tokyo, Spring 2019: Kento Matsunami


Nominee, Best International Feature, Hollywood North Film Awards, Toronto, 2019

Nominee, Best International Screenplay, Hollywood North Film Awards, Toronto, 2019: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best Int. Supporting Performance, Hollywood North Film Awards, Toronto, 2019: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

Nominee, Best International Production Design, Hollywood North Film Awards, Toronto, 2019: Eve Funnell

Nominee, Best International Sound Design, Hollywood North Film Awards, Toronto, 2019: Beth Hubbard

Nominee, Best International VFX and Colour, Hollywood North Film Awards, Toronto, 2019: Ryan Zum Mallen

"Hollywood North Film Awards' mission is to promote and award heart-wrenching, world-building, character-driven films that push the boundaries of

storytelling . . .  We strive to bring attention to stories that have yet to be told, and to award creative excellence for exemplary filmmaking achievements.


Winner, Best Narrative Feature, New York Film Awards, April 2019

Winner, Best Drama, New York Film Awards, April 2019

Winner, Best Fantasy Film, New York Film Awards, April 2019

Winner, Best Mystery Film, New York Film Awards, April 2019

Winner, Best First Time Director, New York Film Awards, April 2019: Steven Heil

Winner, Best Original Story, New York Film Awards, April 2019: Steven Heil

Honorable Mention, Best Actor, New York Film Awards, April 2019: Kento Matsunami


Gold Award, Best LGBTQ+ Film, Global Independent Film Awards, 2019

Gold Award, Best Actor, Supporting Role, Global Independent Film Awards, 2019: Billy Chengary

"The Global Independent Film Awards recognizes filmmakers for exceptional achievements.  Studios may have the same old formulaic

blockbusters, but indie filmmakers are going to create the films that will shape the world we live in for future generations."  – GIFA


Winner, Best Actor, Actors Awards, Los Angeles, Feb. 2019: Kento Matsunami

Winner, Best Actress, Actors Awards, Los Angeles, Feb. 2019: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

Winner, Best Supporting Actor, Actors Awards, Los Angeles, Feb. 2019: Naoyuki Ikeda

Winner, Best Supporting Actress, Actors Awards, Los Angeles, Feb. 2019: Natalie Duch

Winner, Best Ensemble, Actors Awards, Los Angeles, Feb. 2019

"The Actors Awards is a monthly competition for actors worldwide.  Our judges carefully picked the

best performance in every category, giving the time and honor to each of the nominees." – Actors Awards


Nominee, Best Director, Utah Film Festival and Awards, 2019: Steven Heil

Nominee, Best Supporting Actress, Utah Film Festival and Awards, 2019: Akiko Shima

Finalist, Feature Screenplay, Utah Film Festival and Awards, 2019: Steven Heil

Utah Film Festival and Awards is one of the top 100 best-reviewed festivals (out of thousands) 0n FilmFreeway.


Gold Award Winner, Best Feature – First Time Filmmaker, Queen Palm Int. Film Festival, Jan–Feb 2019: Steven Heil 

Gold Award Winner, Best Young Actress, Queen Palm Int. Film Festival, Jan–Feb 2019: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

Gold Award Winner, Best Original Song, Queen Palm International Film Festival, Jan–Feb 2019: Douglas Heil

Honorable Mention, Best Producer, Queen Palm Int. Film Festival, Jan–Feb 2019: Douglas & Diane Vlajcic Heil

Nominee, Best Director (Feature), Queen Palm International Film Festival, Jan–Feb 2019: Steven Heil

Crown Selection, Best Original Score, Queen Palm International Film Festival, Jan–Feb 2019: Asuka Ito

"We are looking for compelling, unique stories.  Projects must be extremely high quality and polished."  – Queen Palm International Film Festival


Winner, Best Indie Feature, Los Angeles Film Awards, Jan. 2019

Winner, Best Drama Feature, Los Angeles Film Awards, Jan. 2019

Winner, Best Original Story, Los Angeles Film Awards, Jan. 2019: Steven Heil

Winner, Best First Time Director (Feature), Los Angeles Film Awards, Jan. 2019: Steven Heil

Winner, Best Supporting Actor, Los Angeles Film Awards, March 2019: Billy Chengary

Winner, Best Supporting Actress, Los Angeles Film Awards, Jan. 2019: Akiko Shima

Honorable Mention, Best Actress, Jan. 2019: Lucía Rodriguez-Nelson

"Bold and ambitious, Another Yesterday explores multi-layered relational conflicts by taking us on a journey of unexpected twists and turns, all with a compelling visual sophistication.  We look forward to more from writer/director/editor Steven Heil and his talented team."  – Ronn Kilby, Lead Judge 


Finalist (Runner-Up), Best Score, Tracks Music Awards, Feb. 2019: Asuka Ito

Winner, Best Original Song for a Film, Tracks Music Awards, Jan. 2019: Douglas Heil

"We receive submissions from a wide range of artists, established or emerging.  We select many different talents and people,

not regarding their fame or achievements but regarding what they send us to listen to."  – American Tracks Music Awards


Winner, Best Song, Festigious International Film Festival Los Angeles, Jan. 2019: Douglas Heil

For this festival, features couldn't exceed 90 minutes, so this was the only category we were eligible to enter.


Competitively selected for the 2019 Creative Minds in Sundance Film Program: Steven Heil


Gold Reel Winner, Feature Film Competition, 2018 Nevada International Film Festival

"At NIFF, films are awarded solely on the basis of their merits, with an eye for great screenwriting, originality and storytelling.  Our selection committee reviewed hundreds of projects originating from many countries around the world, with your select group of films and screenplays emerging as the very finest.  Congratulations on your outstanding work!"  – NIFF



Shockfest Film Festival, December 10, 2021, online


Chicago Horror Film Festival, Sept. 17–Oct. 1, 2021, online


HOLLYWOOD BLVD FILM FESTIVAL, Dec. 31, 2020–Jan. 10, 2021, Hollywood, CA


Canadian Diversity Film Festival, Nov. 30–Dec. 6, 2020, Toronto, Canada


Bare Bones Int. Film & Music Festival, Wed., Oct. 14, 2020, 6:00PM, Roxy Theater, 220 W. Okmulgee, Muskogee, OK


Green Bay Film Festival, Sat., March 7, 2020, Noon, Walter Theatre, St. Norbert College, 315 Third St., De Pere, WI


CINEMAFEST, Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019, 6:30pm, Carriage House Cinema, 770 West Main Street, Ellington, NY


Sleepy Hollow Int. Film Festival, Friday, Oct. 11, 2019, 3:00pm, Warner Library Venue, 121 N. Broadway, Tarrytown NY


The Network Film Festival, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2019, 7:15pm, Cinépolis Chelsea, 260 W. 23rd St., New York, NY


California Independent Film Festival, Sunday, Aug. 25, 2019, 8:30pm, Orinda Theatre, Orinda, CA


Japan Film Festival Los Angeles, Sat., Aug. 17, 2019, 5:00pm, Nat'l Center for the Preservation of Democracy, L.A


New Hope Film Festival, Thursday, July 25, 2019, 3:15pm, New Hope Arts Center, New Hope, PA


Queen Palm International Film Festival, Sunday, July 14, 2019, 7:00pm, Mary Pickford Theater, Palm Springs, CA


Central States Indie FanFilmFest, Thursday, May 30, 2019, 7:15pm, Jumer's Casino & Hotel, Rock Island, IL


Manhattan Rep's STORIES Film Festival, Saturday, May 18, 2019, 3:00pm, Manhattan Repertory Theatre, NY, NY




                                                                                                                                Steven Heil, Douglas Heil, Diane Vlajcic Heil

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